The Ugly Truth: Take Personal Ownership to Create Lasting Change - VIRTUAL
The Ugly Truth: Take Personal Ownership to Create Lasting Change - VIRTUAL
Thursday, January 23, 2025 (1:00 PM - 5:00 PM) (MST)
Significant change begins with you and is developed from the Inside out. That is also where all leadership is created and developed. It’s time to expose and eliminate excuses! Let’s identify what is not working and take personal accountability to create positive change. Your organization is ready to move past what is not working, find and conquer new solutions and implement a new action plan for greater success. Average is NOT being in your Excellence! Discover the profound impact these Traits will have on you personally as well as an organization and the influence it will have in your success! Identify where you are and what gets to change while empowering your teams to do the same.
Instructor: Kris Barney
Credits: 4 Credit Hours
CE Class Sponsor
Purchase the class one of three ways:
Individual Class - $20/credit hour
Registration and Voucher purchases will open 12:00pm on January 2, 2025
Registration for all classes closes at noon the day before each class.
Education Classes